Imperial Fashion Groups is a designing and manufacturing garments and accessories industry.
It is founded by K Chakravarthy in 2009 and now it is online in 2022.
K. Chakravarthy is a fashion designer and an entrepreneur with a vision to provide personalized
fashion statement at an affordable cost to everyone. Nobody should be denied the right to
reflect their personality through fashion.
IFG encourage you to pamper your personalized fashion preferences at affordable price, at your
doorstep, with top quality service.
We have a team of talented fashion designers, to cater to your everyday fashion needs and to
provide a fashion assemblage to celebrate different occasions in your life to the fullest.
We practice sustainable fashion, harboring both direct and indirect means of employment to
the society. We work for the betterment of society by having association with the local NGOs.
We mean to prove that, we can achieve sustainability by maintaining ethical and moral values
in business and industrial policies.
Fashion industry is an ever changing field. We are also evolving along with the trends. Now, we
are open to reselling and buying used items and repairing as well as modifying the old garments
as per the latest fashion trends. Thus, increasing the life of a garment ensuring the eco friendly
ways to improve our planet. We use eco friendly material for manufacturing garments and
strongly emphasize on recycling